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מעשה מרכבה - קורס קבלה עם פלא אוהד אזרחי
to Mar 25

מעשה מרכבה - קורס קבלה עם פלא אוהד אזרחי

מעשה מרכבה

מסע דרך הקליפות אל הגרעין המקודש של הנפש

ימי שלישי, 10 מפגשי זום
החל *מה-14 לינואר ועד ה-25 למרץ
בשעה 20:00 (זמן ישראל)
אורך כל שיעור 1.5 שעות

הקלטות השיעורים יהיו זמינות למשתתפי הקורס

ב-25 לפברואר לא יהיה שיעור, השיעורים ימשיכו שבוע לאחר מכן כרגיל בימי שלישי

בעקבות נסיבות בלתי צפויות כאלו ואחרות שעלולות להתרחש אנו עשויים להאלץ לדלג על שבוע זה או אחר. במקרה שכזה אנו נעדכן בהקדם האפשרי וסוף הסמסטר יידחה בהתאם

הטקסטים שנלמד

הטקסטים אותם נלמד בקורס נבחרו בקפידה על ידי פלא. מדובר בטקסטים עבריים עתיקים המגיעים ממסורות ובתי ספר שונים לקבלה וחסידות. הם נושאים חוכמה אוניברסלית עמוקה ותובנות שיכולות לתרום לאבולוציה האישית והקולקטיבית שלנו

אף אחד מהטקסטים שנלמד לא יוצג בתור "האמת" אלא כהזמנה עבור התודעה והלב שלנו לחקור את המציאות בדרכים ספציפיות שהמקובלים הורישו לנו

אין צורך בידע קודם כדי להשתתף בשיעורים, דרושים רק ראש ולב פתוחים, והיכולת להתבונן בטקסטים מסורתיים ועתיקים באהבה, בכבוד, בביקורת בריאה ובסקרנות אמיתית. אנו נקרא יחד את הטקסט המקורי ומשם נרחיב, נצלול, נעוף ונפליג במטרה לחלץ ולמצוא את המשמעות העמוקה של הטקסטים לחיים שלנו היום

נושאי הלימוד בקורס

מעשה מרכבה הוא קורס קבלה יחודי שמעביר אוהד פלא בזום

זהו מסע אל תוך עצמכם דרך פריזמה יחודית המושתתת על חזיונות מיסטיים של הנביאים אליהו ויחזקאל, ומשם אל ספר יצירה, ספר הזוהר, קבלת האר“י וקבלת הבעל שם טוב. לאחר סיום הקורס תהיה לכם ביד מפה מורכבת ומפורטת מאד של נפש האדם, מצדדיה הנמוכים והשבורים ביותר ועד לקצה העליון ביותר, בו האלהות מופיעה כאדם הרוכב על המרכבה

רשימת נושאים חלקית בהם נוגע הקורס

- המסע אל האלוהות הוא המסע פנימה -

- ספירות סיפורים ומספרים — על התשתית המתמטית של היקום וסיפורי אהבה -

- שבירה ותיקון — שבירת הכלים ופיזור הניצוצות -

- סוד הניצוצות הקדושים -

- מהו מקורו של הרוע? מתי ניתן להתמודד איתו וכיצד -

- בעלי הסוד האמיתיים נדרשים לדעת להפוך חושך לאור ומר למתוק -

- מרכבת יחזקאל כבבואת ההכרה של הכוחות המרכיבים את הנפש -

- דיכאון, חרדה זעם בלתי נשלט והתמכרויות — הקליפות הסובבות את הקדושה -

- דפוסי האישיות ומנגנוני ההגנה השונים כנובעים משבירת הכלים של הספירות -

- סוד החשמל, דיבור שותק, דממה מתקשרת. הכוח להבחין בין אמת ואשליה -

- אריה נשר שור ואדם, לארבעת רוחות העולם. הכוחות השמאניים של המרכבה -

- סוד הנקודה הקדושה שבפנימיות כל רגע והאינטימיות הקדושה -

- הכרת האלוהות הפנימית -

ועוד ועוד, כפי הרוח השורה עלינו בעת הלימוד

תרומה כספית

התשלום עבור הקורס הינו דרך לתמוך בעשייה של פלא בעולם, ובכך לתרום למחקר המתמשך שהוא עורך בפיתוח קבלה חדשה. אנו סומכים עליך להרגיש בכנות ולהחליט בעצמך איזה סכום מתאים לך לתרום כדי לתמוך בעשייה של פלא

מחיר - אתם מחליטים, כל סכום שאפשרי וראוי בעיניכם על הציר שבין הסכומים הבאים

תרומה מינימלית - 1,000 ש״ח
תרומה מקסימלית - 6,850 ש״ח

פשוט מלאו את טופס ההרשמה, ולאחריו בדף הרכישה, כתבו את הסכום שתרצו לשלם, סיימו תשלום באשראי והצטרפו אלינו.

אם גם התרומה המינימלית נמצאת מחוץ להשג ידיכם בזמנים אלו ולבכם , קורא לכם לקחת חלק בקורס - כתבו לנו ונראה אם ומה אפשר לעשות.
אם יש לכם נסיון בתפעול זום - אנו מציעים שני מקומות להלפרים בהנחה נוספת.

מדיניות ביטולים

במקרה של ביטול עד 7 ימי עבודה לפני תחילת הקורס - יינתן החזר של 50%
במקרה של ביטול מאוחר יותר - אין החזרים

אנו שומרים לעצמנו את הזכות לבטל את הרישום של משתפ/ת בכל שלב אם אנו חשים, מכל סיבה שהיא, כי השתתפותו/ה אינה מתאימה, ולבצע החזר מלא בשל כך

על פלא

אוהד פלא מלמד קבלה, יחסים ומיניות מקודשת ברחבי העולם כבר עשרות שנים

בעבר היה רב ומקובל אורתודוקסי בירושלים, חוקר אקדמי ומנהיג קהילתי, אוהד ידוע כאחד המורים הרוחניים פורצי הדרך והמשפיעים ביותר בתחומו. במשך יותר מעשר שנים הוא היה מנחה מוביל באיסטא - בית הספר הבינלאומי לאמנויות המקדש, ושירת במשך חמש שנים בגוברננס (הצוות המוביל) העולמי של איסטא. לפני שהצטרף לאיסטא, אוהד פלא עמד בראש "נביעה: האקדמיה העברית לרוח אוניברסלית" בתל אביב. בשנת 2016 הקים את בית הספר לאהבה וקבלה

אוהד הוא יוצר פורה. הוא חיבר מספר ספרים, ביניהם הטרילוגיה "קדשה", הספר "מי מפחד מלילית" - על לילית בקבלה הלוריאנית, ספר על השורשים השמאנים של החגים העבריים "חגיגה" ועוד. פלא ידוע גם כאמן, צלם וכותב שירים

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Aynitiation - transformational journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru
to Apr 30

Aynitiation - transformational journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru

Aynitiation: A Transformational Journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru

April 2025

Embark on a profound transformational journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru, facilitated together with our beloved indigenous friends Yaku Amaru and Nina Kuntur. These ceremonial musicians, like us, embrace the erotic as a natural part of the sacred way of life—Ayni.

Together, we will visit extraordinary sacred sites, most of which remain hidden from the eyes of tourists. Our journey will be enriched by powerful ceremonies, occasionally supported by the gifts of the Wachuma medicine. Throughout this experience, we will immerse ourselves in the language of Ayni, the path of reciprocity, and deepen our connection with our Grand Family, which encompasses all life, human and beyond.

  • Spaces are limited.

  • Participation is by application only.

More information and dates - to be announced soon.
For now please let us know that you are interested by filling the following form.

Here are some articles about this work
Sex, Drugs, and prayers

And down below you can see pictures from our preparation journey with Yaku & Kuntur in May 2024

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Black Butterfly - Cyprus
to Mar 3

Black Butterfly - Cyprus


You wish for a flame? Search in the ashes.” (~ Kabbalah)

This 8-day process is an intimate journey of deep transformation that goes through the shadows, and into the magical being that you are called to be but do not yet dare.

The Caterpillar has to let go of its form and functions, lose itself completely, and become goo inside the chrysalis. There, it loses its identity and self-image. Only then do the dormant Imaginal Cells start to multiply and form the magical creature that will hatch with mesmerizing wings. The wings of the butterfly that is in you are the wings of your soul. But to grow them, one needs to first face deep shadows that were held in the dark and let go.

There - in the pit of dark emotions and shame - is where the sacred sparks of your genius hide, and when ready, they start to show you a new way to live. The way of the Black Butterfly!

"Black Butterfly is a deep initiation journey that every human has to go through" (~ participant)

Black Butterfly is an advanced process. It offers a rare opportunity to work within an advanced group with materials that many are afraid to touch. Many people speak of love, while underneath the surface, shadows are driving them beneath their awareness. For those who are ready to face those shadows and reclaim their innocent wholeness, this journey is a breath of fresh air. We will feel a lot, wake up, learn a lot, cry a lot, and laugh a lot.


This work is confronting. We have to be willing to look in the mirror at our authentic face hidden under the mask of acceptable social behaviors. We will meet and explore "dark emotions" and learn how they are all important and useful for our evolutionary path. Harnessing the creative life force of Eros, we will connect spirit and matter to become co-creators of our own life, instead of victims of circumstances. The more aware we are of our shadows, the more embodied we become. Shadow work is, in fact, the highest form of light work, as it requires the utmost unconditional love and compassion.

Black Butterfly is an initiation journey from trauma to initiation. From victim mentality to co-creator. From drama to empowerment.

Important Note

This retreat is NOT suitable for beginners in the field of Tantra or Sexual Shamanism. It is also NOT meant for trauma therapy. It is edgy work and meant for people who know themselves to be capable of working with potentially triggering material without losing their center or blaming others. For those people, this journey is a rare opportunity for transformation and growth.


Once we approve your application, please pay a deposit of €500 to secure your registration.

* Early Bird - €1850 (first 10 spots) *
* Regular €2,050 *
* Middle East Attendees €1,600 *

We have picked a beautiful venue nestled in the serene embrace of nature, located close to the sea in Cyprus. The exact address will be shared with you after registration.


  • All the training experiences and supplies

  • Comfortable accommodation in a shared room at our beautiful SPA venue

  • Three delicious meals per day

  • Tea, coffee, water, and fruits throughout the day


  • Travel to and from the venue (shared shuttle or private transport available).

  • Travel Insurance.

  • Single room upgrade upon availability and extra charge. Please contact us.

If for some reason you become unable to attend, a €200 admin fee will be withheld and is non-refundable in any case. Once the 30 days before the event have passed, the total deposit of your ticket is non-refundable. If you cancel with less than 15 days before the start date of the event, NO REFUNDS will be issued. All bank transfer fees are the responsibility of the participant and not included in the tuition rate. These fees are also non-refundable.



We are privileged to have the internationally acclaimed wisdom teachings of Ohad Pele, who has been teaching Kabbalah, Sacred Sexuality, Love, and Conscious Relating for 30 years.

Pele was part of the lead faculty members who helped pioneer ISTA and served in its global governance for five years. He comes from a background of being a Kabbalist Rabbi and a scholar for many years. Pele sees himself more as an artist of transformation work than a "facilitator" or "teacher". He is a musician, an artist, and the author of several books, including "KEDESHA — The Return of the Priestesses of Love", a page-turner that reveals a historic conspiracy that changed our world and brought an end to the ancient Temple of Love in Jerusalem of the 7th century BCE.

Pele's work is focused on opening people to sacred wonder and guiding them into their depth, embracing the wholeness of human experience and moving towards the creation of a new society based on love and win-win solutions.


Katara is a force of Epic Love. She vibrates Love, Freedom, and Empowerment — all combined as one evolutionary force for healing, transformation, and awakening.

With degrees in engineering and 1.5 decades working in Silicon Valley as an engineer, people manager, and leadership coach at major tech companies, Katara has applied her sharp analytical mind to developing emotional and relational tools and technologies to bring about the most efficient and effective transformations.

Katara guides journeys of self-discovery and reclaiming life force, helping people uncover their hidden potential and embrace their inherent divinity, all while harnessing the epic powers of Love and Eros.

Sexuality is a gate to the Divine realms, but it is still unrecognized as so by the current cultures. In the ancient Temple Arts, sexuality was practiced as a key to open portals into other dimensions but this knowledge was mostly forgotten. Sacred Sexuality is a living temple, where we can give our separate egos as an offering on the altar, expand in love, download visions, create magic, heal traumas and surrender”. – Ohad Pele

Black Butterfly Austria 2024

Black Butterfly Cyprus 2024

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Lilith & the Integration of the Dark Feminine - with Ohad Pele & Dr. Marc Gafni
to Jan 8

Lilith & the Integration of the Dark Feminine - with Ohad Pele & Dr. Marc Gafni

Lilith and the Integration of the Dark Feminine

Online live course by Ohad Pele and Dr. Marc Gafni

*Wednesdays, November 6th - January 8th |8pm CET |
9pm Israel or Turkey | 2pm UST | 11am PST

*Schedule is flexible. If a class cannot take place on one of these dates, we will extend the course duration accordingly.

We will dedicate an entire course of ten sessions focusing on "Lilith" and the concept of the shadow as explored in lesser-known writings of Lurianic Kabbalah, along with many other diverse sources that we have gathered over the years. This will be a very rich course, and I am excited about it.

Twenty-five years ago (wow… how time flies), we wrote a book on these topics called Who’s Afraid of Lilith, which was published by Modan and has long since been out of print. The book was the product of a study partnership I had at that time with my friend Mordechai Gafni. Since then, both Gafni and I have been through a lot. Our paths diverged for more than a decade, and we’ve only recently started learning and creating together again. In the 25 years since we wrote the book about Lilith in Lurianic Kabbalah, we’ve learned a lot about Eros, sexuality, shadows, fears, and more—not just from books, but from life itself. The special course on Lilith will be taught by both Gafni and myself.

The course will be in English and will consist of ten Zoom sessions. The sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to participants.


Space is Limited, and participation is by application only

Recommended donation: The payment is a trust-based sliding scale donation between 250 to 1800 Euro (or USD) according to your ability and grace.

All donations are dedicated to supporting Pele’s work in scholarship and creativity, designing fresh teachings and curriculums for an ancient Mystery School in collaborations with M. Gafny and other amazing humans.


Lilith is the one who was never kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were, but not Lilith. She left Eden by her own will, according to the story. What does it mean? What does it say about her guilt or innocence?
Lilith, according to less-known Zoharic and Lurianic kabbalistic texts, has a spiritual root that is higher than Eve. What does it mean for us?

Lilith is what we will call the Dark Feminine. The Dark Feminine and Dark Masculine are rooted in the higher precincts of the sacred. And even in their broken form, they are often not as dangerous as the shadows of the Light Feminine and Light Masculine. The seemingly righteous light masculine and light feminine are the real danger to humanity.

Why? And why is the mythology of Lilith relevant to each of us today - women and men alike?

What is the new vision of the masculine and feminine that can address the crisis of desire and crisis of shame at the very heart of the larger Meta Crisis facing our civilization?

This and more are the themes of this 10-session Zoom course that I will be offering starting November 6th together with my brilliant beloved friend Dr. M. Gafni.

25 years ago we published together the book "Who’s afraid of Lilith" (Hebrew) and now, we are joining together to enter those teachings once again - after a lot of life experience, with holy and broken Hallelujahs.

Like Lilith, we too have a bit of a controversial reputation in the “decent” world that is based on fears and misinformation.

Lilith is cursed, exiled, and feared. She is called a whore, an abuser, a temptress, and even a murderer of babies. It only makes sense that we too will trigger the shadows of some light Masculine and Light Feminine people who will jump into the "rescuer" position of the drama triangle to “warn the public” from us. It is cute.

So yes! Take care! This class can be dangerous...

It might Wake you up to aspects of yourself that you have never experienced before. It might help you integrate your shadows and wake up to your soul.

This is radical.

So, come at your own risk 😀

About Us

Ohad Pele has been teaching Kabbalah, Sacred Sexuality, and Conscious Relating internationally for decades.

Previously a traditional Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem, an academic scholar, and community leader, Ohad is well known as one of the most influential and radical spiritual teachers in the field. For more than ten years he has been a lead facilitator with ISTA — the International School of Temple Arts, and served for five years in its global governance. Before joining ISTA, Ohad Pele headed “Neviah — the Hebraic Academy of Universal Spirit” in Tel Aviv. Together with Dawn Cherie, he co-founded KabaLove, the school of Love in Kabbalah, in 2006.

Pele is a prolific creator. He’s authored multiple books, including the trilogy Kedesha, and is an artist, photographer, and songwriter. For his art see here and for his music on Spotify click here.

Dr. Marc Gafni is a leading public intellectual and teacher impacting the source code of global culture.

Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.

He is author of twenty five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment.

He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.

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Black Butterfly
to Oct 9

Black Butterfly


An old Kabbalistic saying says: “You wish for a flame? Search in the ashes.”

This weeklong retreat is an intimate journey into the dark.
This is where the Sacred Sparks of your superpowers and genius hide.

It is a rare opportunity to work and play in an advanced group with materials that many are afraid to touch.

Many people speak of love, while underneath the surface shame and fear are driving them daily. For those who are ready to face those fears and reclaim their innocent wholeness, this journey will be a lot of fun and hold a lot of growth.

With love and awareness, we will travel through the landscapes of our own shadows.
We will feel a lot, learn a lot, cry a lot, and laugh a lot. And then - we fly!


The journey into the heart of sexual shamanism and shadow is one of the most powerful ways to access your full aliveness and freedom.

Utilizing erotic, creative life force energy to connect sex and consciousness, spirit and form, you are expected to explore your hidden shadows, find your true free nature, and access other dimensions and realities.

This work is confronting because you have to look into yourself with honesty and self-awareness and feel some of the painful memories that created this repression.

You have to look in the mirror at your authentic face hidden under the mask of acceptable social behavior.

The more aware you are of your shadow the more “embodied” you are as a human being. Shadow work is the highest form of light work because it requires the utmost unconditional love and compassion.

In this workshop, we will take some steps into the divine aspect of darkness and into the golden treasures hidden in the shadows that have to do with sexuality and relationships.


Once we approve your application, please pay a deposit of €500 to secure your registration.

* Early Bird - €1750 (SOLD OUT) *
* Regular €1950 *
* Middle East Attendees €1570 *

We have picked a beautiful venue nestled in the serene embrace of nature, located in the beautiful nature of Austria. The exact address will be shared with you after registration.


  • All the training experiences and supplies

  • Comfortable accommodation in a shared room at our beautiful SPA venue

  • Three delicious meals per day

  • Tea, coffee, water, and fruits throughout the day


  • Travel to and from the venue (shared shuttle or private transport available).

  • Travel Insurance.

  • Single room upgrade upon availability and extra charge. Please contact us.


This retreat is NOT suitable for beginners in the field of Tantra or Sexual Shamanism. As well, it is NOT meant for trauma therapy. It is edgy work and meant for people who know themselves able of working with potentially triggering material without losing their center or blaming others. For those, this journey is a rare opportunity for transformation and growth.

The journey into the heart of sexual shamanism and shadow is one of the most powerful ways to access your full aliveness and freedom.



We are privileged to have the Internationally acclaimed wisdom teachings of Ohad Pele who has been teaching Kabbala, Sacred Sexuality, Love and Conscious Relating for 30 years.

Pele was part of the lead faculty members who helped pioneer ISTA, and served in its global governance for five years. He comes from a background of being a Kabbalist Rabbi and a scholar for many years. He is a musician, an artist and the author of several books, including KEDESHA: a page turner, that reveals the hidden conspiracy that brought an end to the ancient Temple Arts of Love in the 7th century BCE and brought forward the monotheistic religions instead. (English edition 2018).

His work is focused on embracing the wholeness of the human experience, which includes sexuality, dark emotions, clarity of mind and the openness of spirit in an embodied and integrative path of transformation, towards the creation of a new human culture.


Katara is a force of Epic Love.

She vibrates Love, Freedom, and Empowerment — all combined as one evolutionary force for healing, transformation, awakening.

With degrees in engineering and 1.5 decades working in Silicon Valley as an engineer, people manager, and leadership coach at major tech companies, Katara has applied her sharp analytical mind to developing emotional and relational tools and technologies to bring about the most efficient and effective transformations.

Katara guides journeys of self-discovery and reclaiming life force, helping people uncover their hidden potential and embrace their inherent divinity, all while harnessing the epic powers of Love and Eros.

“Sexuality is a gate to the Divine realms, but it is still unrecognized as so by the current cultures. In the ancient Temple Arts, sexuality was practiced as a key to open portals into other dimensions but this knowledge was mostly forgotten. Sacred Sexuality is a living temple, where we can give our separate egos as an offering on the altar, expand in love, download visions, create magic, heal traumas and surrender”. – Ohad Pele

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Ancient-Current - weekly Kabbalistic Text Study with Pele
to Jun 12

Ancient-Current - weekly Kabbalistic Text Study with Pele

Wednesdays* // 15 meetings (semester 1) // 1.5 hours // Online via Zoom

Starting March 6th, 2024. Ending June 12th (may vary*)

Classe’s recordings will be available for participants.

* Due to unpredicted circumstances, we might occasionally need to skip a week here and there. In this case, we will give a heads-up as soon as possible, and the end of the semester will be later than June 12th.

The Texts

Carefully picked and selected by Pele, the texts that we will be interacting with carry deep universal wisdom and insights that can contribute to our personal and collective evolution. Those ancient Hebrew texts come from different branches and schools of Kabbalah and Hasidut. 

No text is presented as “The Truth” but as an invitation to our minds and hearts to explore reality in specific ways that the Kabbalists left for us.

No previous knowledge is needed, only an open mind and heart, and the ability to look at ancient traditional texts with love, respect, healthy criticism, and real curiosity. 

Texts will be presented in their original Hebrew form and will be translated into English. We will read the original text together, and expand, fly, sail, and soar, to extract the deep meaning for our own life. 

Hours and Time-Zones

7-8:30 pm Europe (CET)

8-9:30 pm Israel (IST)

1-2:30 pm East Coast USA (EST)

10-11:30 am West Coast USA (PST)

Financial contribution

Paying for these classes is a way to support Pele’s work in the world, and contribute to his Research and Development of New Kabbalah.  

You are trusted to feel and decide which contribution is right for you to support Pele’s mission.

PRICE - You choose, anything in between:

Minimum contribution - 375 euro for the whole course
* Maximum contribution - 2,250 euro for the whole course

Simply enter the purchase link, write the amount that feels right for you, and join us.

*If you want your contribution to go through a non-profit and be tax deductible in the USA write to us and we will instruct you. (for contributions of 1,500 and above)

Cancellation policy
In case of canceling up to 7 working days before the course starts - 50% refund will be issued.
In case of a later cancellation - no refunds.

* We reserve the right to cancel a participant's registration at any point if we feel, for any reason, that this is not a good fit, and issue a full refund.

About Ohad Pele

Ohad Pele has been teaching Kabbalah, Sacred Sexuality, and Conscious Relating internationally for decades.

Previously a traditional Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem, an academic scholar, and community leader, Ohad is well known as one of the most influential and radical spiritual teachers in the field. For more than ten years he has been a lead facilitator with ISTA — the International School of Temple Arts, and served for five years in its global governance. Before joining ISTA, Ohad Pele headed “Neviah: the Hebraic Academy of Universal Spirit” in Tel Aviv. In 2016 he co-founded KabaLove, the school of Love in Kabbalah.

Ohad is a prolific creator. He’s authored multiple books Including the trilogy "Kedesha", the book "who's afraid of Lilith" (Hebrew) about Lilith in the Lurianic Kabbala, a book about the Shamanic roots of the Hebrew holidays "Hagiga" and more. Pele is known also as an artist, photographer, and songwriter.


Classes will be automatically transcribed into written text. We intend to edit the text and publish it later as a book of Kabbalistic Universal Wisdom, which is a part of Pele’s mission of crafting and forming a New Kabbalah that is free from religious dogmas, and right for the current world. 

We will need editors to work on the transcribed texts and make them readable. If you feel equipt and excited to do this work - please write to us. 

Join Pele and a group of like-minded people for this course.

Have any questions? Feel free to write us at info.kabalove@gmail.com

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