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Lilith & the Integration of the Dark Feminine - with Ohad Pele & Dr. Marc Gafni

Lilith and the Integration of the Dark Feminine

Online live course by Ohad Pele and Dr. Marc Gafni

Wednesdays, Oct 16th - Dec 18th |8pm CET |
9pm Israel or Turkey | 2pm UST | 11am PST

We will dedicate an entire course of ten sessions focusing on "Lilith" and the concept of the shadow as explored in lesser-known writings of Lurianic Kabbalah, along with many other diverse sources that we have gathered over the years. This will be a very rich course, and I am excited about it.

Twenty-five years ago (wow… how time flies), we wrote a book on these topics called Who’s Afraid of Lilith, which was published by Modan and has long since been out of print. The book was the product of a study partnership I had at that time with my friend Mordechai Gafni. Since then, both Gafni and I have been through a lot. Our paths diverged for more than a decade, and we’ve only recently started learning and creating together again. In the 25 years since we wrote the book about Lilith in Lurianic Kabbalah, we’ve learned a lot about Eros, sexuality, shadows, fears, and more—not just from books, but from life itself. The special course on Lilith will be taught by both Gafni and myself.

The course will be in English and will consist of ten Zoom sessions. The sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to participants.


Space is Limited, and participation is by application only

Recommended donation: The payment is a trust-based sliding scale donation between 250 to 1800 Euro (or USD) according to your ability and grace.

All donations are dedicated to supporting Pele’s work in scholarship and creativity, designing fresh teachings and curriculums for an ancient Mystery School in collaborations with M. Gafny and other amazing humans.

About Us

Ohad Pele has been teaching Kabbalah, Sacred Sexuality, and Conscious Relating internationally for decades.

Previously a traditional Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem, an academic scholar, and community leader, Ohad is well known as one of the most influential and radical spiritual teachers in the field. For more than ten years he has been a lead facilitator with ISTA — the International School of Temple Arts, and served for five years in its global governance. Before joining ISTA, Ohad Pele headed “Neviah — the Hebraic Academy of Universal Spirit” in Tel Aviv. Together with Dawn Cherie, he co-founded KabaLove, the school of Love in Kabbalah, in 2006.

Pele is a prolific creator. He’s authored multiple books, including the trilogy Kedesha, and is an artist, photographer, and songwriter. For his art see here and for his music on Spotify click here.

Dr. Marc Gafni is a leading public intellectual and teacher impacting the source code of global culture.

Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.

He is author of twenty five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment.

He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.

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