Creatively stuck? 3 Keys to help bring fertility back to your art practice
Creative blocks can last for days, weeks, or years. When we're not expressing our art, we may feel creatively unfertile, stuck and depressed.
The Kabbalistic tradition says that a prophet is not allowed to hold onto their prophecy, and if they do, it kills them from within. The art of your soul IS your prophecy, and if you hold it and not allow it to flow, it can feel like death.
So, how to reclaim confidence and flow as an artist?
As someone who creates a lot (books, drawings, music, photography, teachings, articles and more) I want to share with you 3 keys that can help you too unblock the flow of creativity.
See my the 3-part video series below.
#1. We NEED your art.
Your creative spark matters. A lot! As it is said: "The day you were born is the day the universe decided it could not exist without you!" There is a reason you want to make what you want to make. The Universe knew it, and that’s part of why you’re here. You have something unique to bring the planet…
When you bring your creativity from within, your soul says YES. You dance to the beat of your inner song. You become truly alive.
The world doesn’t always recognise genius or truth. They laughed at Einstein and Van Gogh, they crucified Jesus… There’s no guarantee the world will cheer for your genius, but your soul will activate!
It takes courage to say ENOUGH to the mediocre life. But if you are willing to pay the price that you will not be so accepted by everyone -- this will help you set your creativity free.
Find out more here.
#2. Let’s be realistic — let’s do the impossible.
What do you like the most to feel? What has the most juice for you? What excites you? This can be your inner compass. (want to know what was my inner compass in a crucial time of my life? It might make you laugh… but it was true, and thank God i listened….)
When you imagine a new project, relationship, job, painting, business idea or travel prospect, check with yourself does it have *that* thing in it or not… and if not, don’t go there!
The logical mind may have it’s questions, but your decision doesn’t need to make sense.
Like my good friend Benjamin says, “Let’s be realistic — let’s do the impossible!”
In order to be ‘on purpose’ and in flow with your soul, listen to what truly lights you up. Even if you appear to stumble along the way, this inner compass will not lead you astray.
There are some things that are better to fail at than to never try… Remember, “Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” (Winston Churchill).
#3. Overcoming creative constipation
Any artist knows how agonising perfectionism can be. Perfection is the enemy of the good. Perfection is impossible and forces artists to bank up their poems and paintings without ever showing them to the world. Your good work is enough — let your creativity flow!
If you do what your heart tells you to do, your work will have spirit. There is plenty of art in this world completely devoid of anything alive in it... That art doesn’t speak. That art doesn’t carry a message that you can feel.
Creative constipation is a terribly uncomfortable affliction. You start to smell and life does not flow through you.
Have a diarrhea of creativity instead! Much better than constipation. This way, life is able to move through you and meet you in surprising ways.
Discover ways to let it flow in today‘s video.
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