Shared Responsibility to break the Drama Triangle
it doesn’t matter in which of the corners of the triangle we find ourselves — as long as we are in one of them we partake in the dynamics of victim consciousness and create unnecessary drama in life.
Love does not respond to Demands
Love is an offering that can only come out of a free expression of the heart. Love is a gift that can only be given spontaneously, from a place of freedom.
Sex into Eternity
“Eternity is not a very long time,” said Tantra teacher Valentina Leo in our Ashram of Love some days ago. “Eternity is beyond time”.
Love Temples vs Play Parties: Exploring Sacred Sexuality and Divine Rituals
Love temples are places for us humans to come with our broken humanness and connect with sacred divine realms by the means of love, eros, and sexuality.
Move As Love, in Covid times
What is happening in the world now is amazing in my eyes. simply: the old systems of control are all shaking and falling apart.
The 7 Tools and the Tree of Life
This article describes how the 7 tools of emotional release we deliver in the first days of Ista Level 1 can be traced to the kabbalistic patterns of the Tree of Life.
Is it wise to combine Sacred Sexuality with Sacred Medicine work?
the medicines themselves wish to break out of the modesty cage.
Ambition or a soul-calling?
When you hear the call of your soul, many times, it does not make any sense to your ego. The mind will usually say this is crazy, it’s a bad idea and you should not do it. Your mind will usually see your soul call as a dangerous direction to go for. But the soul doesn’t really care.
A pilgrimage to the great master — Shabtai Zvi
It is for many years that one of my main sources of influence is this controversial man who lived in the 17th century and is hated and condemned by the jews: Shabtai Zvi.
Lilith, PTSD, and Vulnerability
An article about Lilith, Adam, Eve, and healing childhood traumas that require more than what angels can do.
My next steps…
I found myself hugging myself today and having gratitude towards my body-mind for following my soul to new needed adventures.
On a tight rope…Dance!
“Dance the dance of love. Take the risk of falling, but dance. Because if you do not dare dancing, well, there is nothing to risk as you had lost it all already by being dead.”
Dogs and the Transpersonal
Our souls are holding our body-minds on a leash and, while we take pleasure on the level of sensation and self worth, they are interested in connections from a higher level.
My new fruits brought to the altar of gratitude
Hearing the call to design our own temple, and create an online structure that will serve the growing communities of Love around the planet, I am offering 2 new fruits on the altar of gratitude:
Open Relationships or not- Does it really matter?
Dawn and I both feel that the “open or not” question is missing the real point. What is important to talk about in relationships is the sacred aspect of it. In other words: is this relationship “Open to God” or not?
The Portals of 'Trans' States
Exciting news about the Ashram of Love in Malta and a writing about the different portals a human being has in its psychophysical structure. Portals that can allow it to go beyond itself, into trance states, and connect with the divine.
How To Let Out The Art That’s Stuck Inside
You are an artist, you are a creative human being, but perhaps you’re feeling your creativity is repressed. If so, read this article for tips on how to reclaim your creative confidence.
Getting Out of Conflict Cycles in Relationship
Let me reveal a big secret to you. It has taken me 33 years and two long-term relationships to understand this secret, but it has completely changed the way I am in the relationship, especially in times of conflict.
Between Love, Guilt, and Obligation
A short article on Guilt, Obligation, and Love.
Love can never grow as a result of obligation, it can only appear as a gift "totally free, absolutely present and ultimately out of control.” (as my good friend Baba Dez says)
Why did the ancients see the spirit beings?
“Seeing” is not actually happening in the eye but in the brain. Could it be that in ancient times humans process of seeing involved deeper areas of the brain, from the limbic system for instance, that produced a richer picture of reality than the one we see?