My next steps…

I found myself hugging myself today and having gratitude towards my body-mind for following my soul to new needed adventures. On August 18th, 2021 we have completed the first cycle of the Sha'Ara intensive program in the Ashram of Love in Malta. A 31 days path, a real intensive time of shamanic journies in a sacred sexuality container, based on the kabbalistic map of the Tree of Life. And wow... That was something....!

I have spent the last 2 decades of my life creating and developing spaces where Shamanism and Sacred Sexuality can be explored and practice in radical yet safe ways. ISTA today is a well-known and established power in this direction, and I am so grateful to be part of its growth.

And now, my soul is calling me to expand the envelope a bit more. To create the path for people to explore the deep intelligence of Sacred Plants together with the power and intelligence of Sacred Eros.

It is definitely not a path for everybody.

We accept to Sha'Ara only people who are graduates of ISTA Level 2 and even that by application. There is a great need for deep personal stability and responsibility when one embarks on such a journey.


Sitting by the Ashram's pool, I am so grateful. We did it!!! And we did it with such a sweet deep and powerful group of individuals that I got to love so much. Each of the pioneer groups was not only a person but an Archetype, needed for the path to be opened. It was amazing. More than that I can tell.

What I can definitely share with you is the gratitude I have for myself for not sitting in my comfort zone of the Sacred Sexuality Community but to keep pushing the envelope a bit more, to grow and open new pathways that I feel are so needed these days for our evolution.

You can see more about the Ashram of Love here. (you need to sign up to enter the site)

Our next Sha'Ara intensive will be in March 2022.

If you want to know about the way that magic mushrooms helped our brain to evolve from primates to Homo Sapience, watch this beautiful video.

In love and gratitude,

Ohad Pele / August 2021


Lilith, PTSD, and Vulnerability


On a tight rope…Dance!