Kaballah: an Online Course


Have you ever wanted to add spiritual depths to your life and especially to your love life?

Many people yearn for that depth, particularly love, relationships, and sexuality.

It is because our culture is quite shallow regarding the depth of terminology and wisdom around those issues.

Cultures and traditions that have something to offer that is deep, usually avoid issues of sexuality - and are "embarrassed" about it.

Ohad Pele has been studying Kabbalah for decades, burying himself in books. He was an ordained Kabbalistic rabbi.


Today his path led him to be one of the lead facilitators of ISTA, the International School of Temple Arts, teaching sacred sexuality in workshops around the world.

This online course for Kabbalah focuses on the pearls that he found. There are 28 lectures and two modules. Module 1 offers a thorough study of the Tree of Life, while Module 2 works with the 'Embodiment of Spirit'.

The course will enrich your daily life, your love life, the way you understand yourself, your relationships, and your sexuality.

Once you have signed up for the course, we will invite you to our Private Facebook Group, where you can discuss any questions with Ohad Pele and the other members of our growing online community.

Welcome to the Kabbalah of Love!


Sacred Relating: Open or Not (Online Course)