Lilith—A blessing for the world
A writing about Lilith, the paradox of her soul, the process of rectification, and how that leads to her becoming a Blessing for the world.
Hanukah in the Inner Dimensions
This article contains the story of Hanukah and an interpretation according to the teachings of the great Hasidic masters. It is for you if you want to take part in creating miracles of light by daring to live your pure authentic life.
Jewish Paganism: Oxymoron or Innovation?
Jewish paganism: naked, covered in mud, communing with the God (or Goddess) in nature. Sensual and controversial.
Paganism is fundamentally about relationships — with trees, fire, earth, air, spirits, and other people.
If you are like me and you associate paganism with everything opposed to Judaism: polytheism, idolatry, nature spirits, and human sacrifice — just to name a few, this article may be for you.