Sex into Eternity

Eternity is not a very long time,” said Tantra teacher Valentina Leo in our Ashram of Love some days ago. “Eternity is beyond time”. 

Valentina is my friend and colleague, and together with our brother Vee the three of us are guiding one of the most incredible journeys: Sha’Ara, the month-long program of the Ashram of Love in Malta. I am so touched by the wonderful vibrant group of people that gathered for this journey, the depth, and the ease it all flows with. 

In Kabbalah “Eternity” is the literal meaning of “Netsach” נצח —one of the powers in the Tree of Life that are supporting sacred sexuality.

How does eternity support sacred sexuality?

The literal meaning of “Netsach” is eternity, but the inner power that it holds is the power of Confidence.

How is confidence connected to eternity?

It is simple: When we feel connected to eternity we feel confident, and vice versa:  lack of confidence comes from the shaky feeling have when we are not connected to the dimension beyond time. When we feel that everything is actually just temporary and relative. 

In lovemaking, we sometimes touch eternity. Sometimes we feel that this moment of connection was so deep that it exists beyond time itself. It doesn’t matter if the connection lasted minutes, hours, days, or years — if it had touched eternity it has a quality that can never be ignored. Love can be eternal, regardless of the longevity of relationships. On the other hand, some people can be stuck in long-term relationships, that drag over a long time but never touch this divine dimension beyond time.

When we make love this way, our Sephira of Netsach in charging up, and we start moving as love in the world with much more confidence. We are not afraid anymore that this love is going to end up with heartbreak. Yes, any love will end up, this way or another. Eventually one of us leaves or one of us dies. As a result, many people are afraid to open up in love and allow their hearts to be bare and exposed in love. They try to protect it from pain, and the result is that they live halfway, and with the years passing by life’s experience eventually turns bitter and sour.  

But the more we touch the divine realm of Netsach, beyond time, the more we can feel confident, that whatever happens, this power of love that we reached together will never be taken away. Time can not touch eternity, and love that broke free from the relativism of personalities into the eternity of the soul realm can radiate these realms into the way we walk in the world. We stop walking as an unconfident temporary phenomenon and start walking AS LOVE — as divine love. 

When we dare to open our hearts in the most profound way, Love starts to unfold through us. Not the needy “love” of the hungry ghost that our persona is, constantly seeking reassurance and calling this hunger ‘love”, but the love of the soul, that IS love in its purest divine form.

Ohad Pele / March 2022


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